Interview Discs

Most "Official" Interview Discs are actually promotional releases, but are official in the sense that they have been issued from an official source as oppose to the "Unofficial" releases that can be found pulling together snippets unofficially from various sources. Again, most official Interview Discs are released around the time of an album released and contain a recorded interview discussing the up and coming release, however with a few very special releases unique music and other content can be found on them, making them very attractive to collectors.

Official Interview Discs

Heathen Chemistry (CD-ROM)
Released: 2002
Helter Skelter - SAMP 2464
In my collection

Interview Disc
Released: 1998
Helter Skelter - SAMPCD 6034
In my collection

Radio Interview with Gary Crowley
Released: 2002
Sony - No catalogue number

Oasis Interview Snippets CD
Released: Unknown
No catalogue number

Definitely Maybe: The DVD Audio taken from the EPK
Released: 2004
Sine - No catalogue number

Interview CD
Released: 1998
Helter Skelter - SAMPCD 6034
In my collection

(Included in the European B&H Box Set)
Released: 1996
Helter Skelter - HES 663706 2
In my collection

Radio Interview with Gary Crowley (CD-R)
Released: 2002
No catalogue number

Interview CD - Germany
Released: 1997
(Includes 2 unique recordings of "All My People" & "Stay Young")
Sony Music - No catalogue number
In my collection

Definitely Maybe: The DVD Audio taken from the EPK
Released: 2004
Sony Music - No catalogue number

Dig Out Your Soul Interview CD
(Bleeped Version) (CD-R)
Released: 2008
Big Brother - No catalogue number
In my collection

Dig Out Your Soul Interview CD
(Un-bleeped Version) (CD-R)
Released: 2008
Big Brother - No catalogue number

Dig Out Your Soul Interview CD
(Bleeped and Un-bleeped Version) (CD-R)
Released: 2008
Big Brother - No catalogue number

Dig Out Your Soul Songbook (CD-ROM)
(Free with NME Magazine)
Released: 2008
Big Brother - RKIDNMECD1
In my collection

Heathen Chemistry Interview (CD-R)
Released: 2002
Big Brother - No catalogue number
In my collection

Interview CD
Released: 1998
Creation - No catalogue number
In my collection

(Included in B&H Singles Box Sets)
Released: 1996
Creation - CCV 001
In my collection

Oasis Interview CD
(Don't Believe the Truth) (CD-R)
Released: 2005
Big Brother - No catalogue number
In my collection

Stop the Clocks Interview CD (CD-R)
Released: 2006
Big Brother - No catalogue number
In my collection

The Masterplan - Noel Gallagher Interview CD
Released: Unknown
Creation - CD Ref

(Includes Live "Acquiesce" track and available with the purchase of the Epic album "The Masterplan)
Released: 1998
Epic - ESK 41571
In my collection

Be Here Now - Interview Disc
(Includes unique hidden Instrumental "Be Here Now" Medley)
Released: 1998
Epic - ESK 5956
In my collection

Familiar to Millions
Released: 2000
Sony - No catalogue number
In my collection

Unofficial Interview Discs


My Collection