Images and explanations of fakes!

(What's the Story) Morning Glory? with "Step Out" (13-track) (UK)

Ways to spot a fake copy;
1. The fake doesn't have the copyright information around the upper outer edge.
2. The fake has a much smaller inner ring on the front of the disc.
3. The CD logo on the fake is much fainter than on the genuine copy.
4. The matrix on the reverse of the CD is more clearly defined on the genuine copy and reads "DAMONT CRECD 189 CDM01" whilst the fake copy just reads "CRECD".

The Genuine CD is on top

The Genuine CD is on the left

Live (US)

Ways to spot a fake copy;
1. There is a silver outer ring on the genuine copy that can't be seen on the fake (Note: the silver ring looks black on the photo as a consequence of scanning it).
2. The matrix on the genuine copy is more clearly defined and reads "IAESK06802 01" whilst the fake copy just reads "ESK 6802".
3. There is a second fake copy where the matrix reads "DJ001" and it also plays the entire recording as one track.

The Genuine CD is on the left

Live! (France)

Ways to spot a fake copy;
1. The card sleeve on the fake is slightly smaller and lighter in colour.
2. The orange print on the fake disc is lighter/faded.
3. The inner ring on the CD is smaller on the fake copy than it is on the genuine copy.
4. The matrix on the reverse of the CD is more clearly defined on the genuine copy and reads "SO166272519-0202" whilst the fake copy just reads "662725 5".

The Genuine CD is on the right

The Genuine CD is on the right

Slide Away (UK)

Ways to spot a fake copy;
1. The front insert on the genuine copy has a black flap on it that reads "FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY" whereas this is missing on the fake copy.
2. There is a darker outer ring on the genuine copy that can't be seen on the fake.
3. The fake CD has an extra concentric inner ring.

The Genuine CD is on the top